Saturday, 25 June 2011

BBC sees the Light

Just as Glastonbury is getting under way, the BBC is having a light music moment, the Light Fantastic, I think it's called, and on Saturday Radio 3 ran a discussion on the subject with Petroc Trelawney, Anne Dudley, the estimable John Wilson and one or two other worthies.

There is a poignant connection between these two phenomena.

I have to declare a lack of interest here, because light music is not my thing. On the other hand, since I started conducting amateur orchestras five or six years ago I've had to perform a fair bit of it, something I did with a certain sniffiness at first, then with a degree of grudging admiration and latterly almost with enthusiasm (I am trying to stop it going any further).

Often with discussions like this one the really interesting thing is not what's said, but what the broadcasters leave out. This was a rare occasion however where the issue you think they aren't going to touch on at all is not just included, but actually given a full five minutes of full-frontal, that issue here being the extent of the BBC's own involvement in light music's decline.

Now obviously there are many reasons for the decline, economics being one of them, technology being another, the rise of pop culture another still. But undoubtedly the BBC played its part, setting up Radios 2 and 3 without dealing adequately with how light music was going to be catered for. Light music was pushed into the margins on Radio 2, and in the Glock-era it was ridiculous to imagine that Radio 3 was going to be playing any Haydn Wood when it couldn't bring itself to love Robert Simpson. There are apparently numerous anguished memos written by a BBC bigwig to Radio 3 wondering why so little light music was getting played. One might as well ask why bears were defecating in the woods.

Hats off to the BBC for allowing these heretical views to be heard. My son, who was in the kitchen whilst I was listening to this self-flagellation, said, "You can't imagine Sky doing that".

Several other things stood out for me. One was the often-told story of Ernest Tomlinson, furious at the BBC proposing to clear out its light music library, an act of musical Stalinism if ever there was one, offering the use of a barn on his Lancashire farm in which the thousands of orchestral sets could be stored. Tomlinson, a very fine composer, set up a library of light music, still going today, which did much to preserve music which would otherwise have been lost. He is said to have come upon a skip full of parts outside the London Palladium and hired a van on the spot to save them from destruction. A friend tells me that MGM destroyed its sheet music library in Hollywood - to build a car park. Yes, a car park.

The other stand-out was Anne Dudley recounting her experience at Music College of finding the composition department dominated by the avant garde (as most music departments in most conservatoires were and still are), and being bemused to find Eric Coates regarded as a joke figure rather than a serious musician. This is an experience I had too, although I was lucky to have lessons with John Tavener, who stood firmly outside the mainstream, a place I have stood myself ever since.

The widespread assumption, shared by the programme, that light music is a different genre to classical music, or at best a sub-genre, isn't really accurate in my view. Lots of classical composers - Mozart, Elgar, Tchaikovsky, Sibelius and many others - have written light music (by which I mean music which sets out to entertain), and this should give us a clue that there is a bigger and broader question hanging in the air here, about the approachability of light music, and the extent to which it that quality has been lost from classical music generally in the last century.

To put the question the other way round, to what extent is it legitimate for a classical composer to set out not to entertain? Two things seem obvious to me. One, that all music (indeed perhaps all art) should be entertaining (I use that word in a very wide sense, as I'll explain in a minute). The other is that a lot of music is being written, indeed has been written in the last century or so, which has no intention of entertaining whatsoever. Indeed, if you ask its composers and performers, many would scorn the idea of doing anything so base as to give their audiences a good time. For me, entertaining means many things - stimulating, challenging yes, but also soothing and consoling. The point about art is that it is a mediation of human experience, not the experience itself (the most horrifying opera I've ever seen is Idomeneo, a terrible story mediated by music of unsurpassed luminosity and grace).

Ultimately it is easy to regret the decline of light music, because it is readily, though I think inaccurately, rendered as a separate genre whose exponents were once famous and who, amongst musicians at least, are still household names. What is much less easy, because it is harder to identify them, is to lament the obscurity of all the composers at the more serious end of the classical spectrum who did not disdain their audiences, and who wrote music that was approachable, that sought to entertain in the very broadest sense, and who were pushed into obscurity by the same institutional forces (the conservatoires, the universities, the broadcasters) that did for so-called light music.

Why is the fate of these individuals important? Because on the whole the public is not interested in avant-garde music, and, particularly in a time of austerity, the public subsidy which keeps the infrastructure of classical music going is harder to justify when so much of its output is devoted to pushing a kind of music which, statistically speaking, almost no-one likes. Less money for classical music does not just mean fewer performances of Boulez and Berio. It also means less Berlioz and Brahms.

Ultimately, those of us who love classical music have to find new repertoire which can enthuse the public. Otherwise classical music will become increasingly marginalised in schools, in the public imagination and in public spending priorities. At the moment it doesn't seem to me that anyone is trying to reverse this trend.

Traditionally the middle-class turn to classical music in middle-age. The weekend of the Light Fantastic however, many of my middle-class middle-aged friends have gone off to Glastonbury.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

dos and don'ts for young soloists

I've been fortunate enough to do many concertos with student soloists, always an interesting experience. Here is the sum total of my wisdom in DO and DON'T form.

DO try and know your speeds beforehand. Most inexperienced soloists have spent much more time playing on their own or with a pianist than with an orchestra, and don’t realise that, even with the Classical repertoire, there is a great deal of subconscious tempo variation. In other words, you will play some passages quicker or slower than others without being aware of it. It helps enormously if you can tell the conductor which ones these are beforehand. This doesn’t just save time in rehearsal, it also gives the conductor time to work out how, for example, to get back into the main tempo when your more relaxed second subject has finished. It’s worth practising with a metronome, not because you are expected to play metronomically but because it enables you to judge where you want to push the speed on and where you want to relax.

DON’T watch the conductor too much. He will generally be beating slightly ahead of the orchestra, so if you try and keep up with him the music will get faster. As a rule the orchestra and conductor’s job is to keep up with you, not vice versa. It is sometimes the case that your passage-work is so fast that you have to follow the orchestra instead: one example is in the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto first movement just after the cadenza, where the soloist plays arpeggio semi-quavers over the recapitulated first subject: listen and play with them. There are many other examples in the standard repertoire.

DON’T be afraid to ask for things to be done differently. The orchestra is there to serve you. There are ways of doing this however. Don’t say to the orchestra directly, “Can you do it this way instead?” The conductor has probably spent some time with the orchestra, in good faith, getting the orchestra to do it the way you don’t like. Ask the conductor. “Would it be possible for the woodwind to ....." Nine times out of ten the conductor will be pleased to oblige. There may also be good reasons why the conductor has done it his way, reasons you aren’t aware of, and you don’t want to end up in a situation where the conductor is saying to the orchestra, “No, don’t do that. Do it the way I originally asked you”.

DON’T be nervous. You are probably the best player in the room, and the orchestra will think you are wonderful.

DON’T be arrogant either. The orchestra might not be as good at their instruments as you are at yours (although sometimes some of them will be), but the likelihood is that they will be vastly more experienced musicians who have seen young prodigies come and go. Send the conductor a card afterwards. Do you want another gig or don’t you?

DON’T play without the music unless you are 100% sure you can do it. You don’t want to ruin your opportunity for want of a music stand.

DON’T do things differently in the concert from the way you did them in rehearsal. As Beecham said, an orchestra is not a piece of elastic. It cannot instantly accommodate your interpretative whims.

DO enjoy it. It might not happen again often, for a while, at all. Make the most of it!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Ed Balls goes Greek

Amidst dramatic scenes across the country, riot police clash with protestors demonstrating against austerity measures. This is Greece of course, not the UK, and I am not going to give a hostage to fortune by claiming that where Greece leads, we will inexorably follow.

Here is a prediction however. It is that the EU bail-out, even if it goes ahead, will fail (I said this about the first bail-out, but that prediction was made in private and doesn't count; I do however feel emboldened to go public on this one). It will fail because the austerity measures necessary for it to work will be intolerable to the Greek people. Even if the country is far enough away from the centre of the whirlpool for the measures to work (and it may well not be), the Greeks themselves won't put up with them. They'll bring down the government, or force the government to default, wholly or in part.

It's interesting to consider how the EU got into this situation, and what that says about what kind of institution it is. For those countries signing up to monetary union, there was a cap on how much money it was permissible to borrow. Many countries breached it, but the EU did nothing, or at least nothing concrete - letters were written; knuckles were rapped. No mechanism existed for penalising countries for breaking the rules. It could scarcely have been otherwise, because no electorate would have permitted its government to sign up to a currency where control of its own borrowing (and therefore its economy) was effectively handed over to an unelected Central Bank in another country hundreds of miles away. Handing over control of interest rates was bad enough, but this would have been politically unsellable.

So enthusiasts for the Euro set in place a project that was bound to fail sooner or later, because one of its members was bound to borrow too much, and would be unable to escape from its position by devaluing its currency. That's now happened to Greece, with other countries sliding towards a similar position.

In other words, faced between setting up a system which would inevitably fail, or not setting up monetary union at all, Eurocrats opted for the former. I am not viscerally anti-EU, but this looks like madness. Ironically Britain too received strictures from the EU for its borrowing even though we were not in the Euro at all. For such institutions reality doesn't matter - it is the outward appearance that counts.

Which brings me to Ed Balls's latest suggestion, namely that the UK Government cuts VAT by 5% or so to kick-start the economy. I don't know how much this would cost in lost revenue, but it would be in the region of billions. Where would that money come from? The money markets. Yes, that's correct. Balls is suggesting that in order to get the deficit down, we put the deficit up.

Perhaps I am slow, but I do not understand how this can work. It seems particularly counterintuitive when you consider that the first thing that would happen is that our borrowing costs would go up; that is, we'd not only have to pay interest on the extra money we'd borrowed, but we'd have to pay more interest on money we were going to borrow anyway, because the gilt markets would be worried that we had changed our minds about getting the deficit down.

This scheme of Balls', which incidentally he didn't think to clear with Ed Miliband first, reminds me somewhat of Milo Minderbender in Catch 22, buying eggs for 4 cents in one place and selling them at a profit for 2 cents somewhere else. It took me a while to realise that this was satire on Joseph Heller's part (I was young), and of course satire can't have been Balls' intention. I think his aim instead is to appeal to the vast majority of people in Britain who aren't interested in economics and don't have the faintest idea of how it works. His aim is to deceive.

I don't know what will happen to George Osborne's plan; no-one does. I've written previously on Osborne's gamble being, if anything a rather smaller gamble than the one proposed by Labour (just keep and borrowing and hope for the best). Interestingly, the gilt markets, gifted with no more clairvoyance than anyone else but at least removed utterly from the taint of political bias, seem to think Osborne is doing the right thing. We know this because the UK is paying very low rates on its borrowing. If the markets thought we were not going to get any growth, and the deficit never come down, we would be paying sky-high rates.

I sometimes think that with Osborne at the helm HMS Great Britain is sailing slowly in a fog, knowing that there are rocks somewhere but not knowing exactly where. Ed Balls, on the other hand, appears to know exactly where the rocks are. They are in the direction of Greece, and he is proposing that we sail that way full steam ahead.

Monday, 13 June 2011

slut-walking comes to Britain

When America sneezes, the UK catches a cold; and when young American women take to the streets in their scanties to protest against some ill-chosen words by a Canadian policeman, it's not going to be long before young Britons start doing it too. Cue slut-walking demonstrations the length and breadth of the nation.

Since my ruminations on this subject a few weeks ago, I've been musing not just on the practical aspect of the furore (why it should be so unreasonable to suggest, in a world in which they have never been totally safe and never will be, that women might want to take steps which will make them safer), but on why women might want to dress in a sexually provocative way in public at all.

For millenia, attractive young women have used male/female inequality of desire - the only inequality that works in their favour - to advance their cause personally and economically. I get that. But why flaunt it in public? At the very worst, provocatively dressed women risk attack. Further down the scale of seriousness, they risk harassment in the street. They risk harassment in clubs and bars from men tripping over their own tongues. They get attention of men who are only interested in them for sex, and they are treated less seriously at work by men who can't disengage their libidos. In fact, for every man they might want to attract, there will be 99 whose attentions they cannot possibly want (including mine). What is in it for women?

I have been married long enough to know that women often dress to impress other women rather than to attract men, and I'm aware that a single woman wants to look attractive, but it genuinely baffles me as to why anyone would want the inconvenience of teetering along the high-street in a microdress, risking hypothermia as well as the ills detailed above. I also find it rather annoying. A picture in the paper yesterday showed a woman in fishnets and heels carrying a sign saying, "You can't touch this". Fair enough, I know I can't touch it. In which case, I want to shout, why make me want to touch it?

Women, the slut-walkers say, only want the right to express their sexuality. Leaving aside their confusion as to the meaning of the word, why on earth would they want to express it? We all know that most women like men, and vice versa. Why go on about it? (Thank God we men don't find the need to express our sexuality. I shudder to think what a male slut-walking march would look like, but my suggested name for it - gut-walking - might be an unpleasant clue).

The most hilarious people in the slut-marches are the earnest looking young men hanging around in the back of the photos. For all their right-on beardiness you just know that part of them is thinking, "Phwooar! Look at the enbonpoint on that! You would wouldn't you? Eh? Eh?" Surely some of them are fifth columnists, perhaps police informers along the lines of the chaps who infiltrated the environmental movement; but I guarantee that every heterosexual one of them is enjoying the view immensely. There are probably men taking a Wedding Crashers approach, marching to see if any of the participants wishes to express their sexuality in private afterwards. It says a lot about naivety of the slut-walkers that they allow men anywhere near them.

If I were a slut-walker I'd be thinking to myself, "Hang on. How is it that my view of how I should behave is shared by Hugh Hefner, Paul Raymond, Richard Desmond and Jeremy Clarkson?" (a list to which, being as prone to provocation as the next man, they might have added Nick Simpson).

It seems to me a very poor sort of feminism whose definition of edifying female conduct involves dressing in a way which appeals to mens' most basic instincts. The best place for dressing provocatively is behind closed-doors.