Wednesday 11 February 2009

Bankers in the dock?

The Grauniad has its knickers in a twist again over the credit crunch, the inquisition of banking CEOs by the Treasury select committee apparently meriting a double-page spread.  Methinks a bit of deflection at work here - so capitalists take enormous risks and put immediate personal gain ahead of long-term sustainability!  What next?  Bears crapping in the woods?

No, if Governments let them, bankers run riot.  And who set up the UK's banking regulatory system?  One Gordon Brown.  No sign of him in the dock though.

According to a bold splash in the Graun, their MP inquisitors thought it worth while asking the erstwhile Masters of the Universe whether they had any formal banking qualifications.  I didn't bother reading the answers.  A few miles from where I'm writing this, Alex Ferguson is going off to work.  Without any formal football qualifications.

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