I hoped AV would be rejected, and thought it probably would be, but this is a staggering statistic. Just as interesting is the location of these ten places. There is a rather beautiful map with the information on the Graun's website here - http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/interactive/2011/may/06/av-referendum-results-map. And yes, those places are exactly where you would have thought they would be. Hackney, Camden, Lambeth, Islington, Haringey, Southwark, Glasgow Kelvin, Edinburgh Central, Oxford and Cambridge; in other words the places occupied by the highest density of Britain's great and good.
There are a number of ways of looking at this. One is that the great and the good are the best educated and most intelligent, which means that the lumpen majority (including me) is likely to have been wrong about AV.
Another is that the great and good are prone to wanting to change something for change's sake, and that, before signing up for it, the rest of us prefer to be convinced that a change will make things better.