Tuesday 17 July 2012

John Terry - sweeth tooth

Oh blimey: it's all kicking off.

Following John Terry's acquittal the other day of using the word "black" between "f&$%ing" and "c$%t", Rio Ferdinand has re-tweeted (think repeated) some other twitterer's description of Ashley Cole as a "choc ice".

Cole, you will remember, gave evidence on Terry's behalf at the trial.

Leaving aside the question of whether "choc ice" is an offensive term (What does it matter if you're white on the inside? Anyway can skin colour really determine interior personal characteristics? Does anyone else benefit from this row other than the BNP?), this represents a worrying escalation of the dental health aspect of the John Terry saga.

After Anton Ferdinand made a gesture implying that Terry had halitosis (or was it the other way round?), now comes the suggestion that his breath problems might have arisen because of close proximity to another Chelsea footballer with strong links to sweet chocolate covered frozen confectionery.

Some busybody has now referred the matter to Derbyshire police. Let's hope they take action. After all, calling someone a "c$%t" is small beer in comparison with this.