Thursday 16 January 2014

Francois Hollande, Paul Daniels and the weaker sexes

The fine mess into which French president Francois Hollande has got himself with a young actress (OK, she's 41, but from my lofty vantage point that's still young - she can probably climb the stairs without holding on to the rail), invites all sorts of thoughts about the stupidity of the middle-aged male.

But spare a thought for the stupidity of the woman.  Of all the men with whom actress Julie Gayet could have elected to play the role of Other Woman, she goes for, what, a penguin with a face like a potato, beady eyes and dyed hair a la Berlusconi?

Would Ms Gayet have looked at Hollande twice if he'd been a dustman? Not on your life.

"So what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?", Caroline Aherne asked Debbie McGee on live TV.

Unfortunately re-runs of Mrs Merton are not currently available in French.