Wednesday 31 December 2014

New Year's Eve post

As the end of year approaches, I wave goodbye to my birthday (56, since you ask), then Christmas, then New Year's Eve.  Hello 2015.  The knowledge that I'm almost certainly in the last third of my life requires a certain equanimity of spirit to face down.  I think I'm up to it, but you never know.  At least you can't have a mid-life crisis whilst in the foothills of old age.  It's a conceptual impossibility.

Resolutions for the New Year - spend more time fishing ("God does not deduct from man's allotted span time spent fishing", according to Chekov) and start writing an opera; one should keep challenging oneself after all.

I have spent the last couple of days climbing in Scotland with Prof Mitchell.  Evidently I still have the legs and lungs to do the height gain in six inches of fresh powder snow, and here are a couple of pictures to prove it.

My life situation would appear to be that whilst I can still run up and down stairs, I can't always remember why I'm doing it.  Happy New Year to all.